
  • Sick Pet? Two Ways To Make That Veterinary Visit More Affordable

    You've noticed a considerable change in the behavior of your beloved pet, watching as they become more lethargic or refuse to eat.  All of the at-home treatments that you have tried have not made your furry friend feel better, and you know it's time to head to the veterinary clinic.  However, you may be hesitating because you simply can't afford to stretch your budget any further with vet bills.  Use this information to learn more about what you can do to make your next veterinary visit more affordable.
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  • It's The Cat's Meow: 4 Signs Your Cat Might Be Sick

    If you have a cat, you know how independent they can be. They want to take care of themselves. And, for the most part, they're pretty good at it. However, even though your cat is capable of caring for its basic needs – such as personal hygiene and finding rodents to eat – you still need to be there to make sure it's healthy. To maintain the health of your cat, you should conduct monthly inspections of its eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
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  • When Your Cat Is Acting Weirder Than Usual: Behaviors You Should Not Ignore

    As a cat owner, you know that there are many things cats do that are just a mystery to the people around them. To many people, everything that cats do are weird. However, there are behaviors that cats engage in that are weird to humans but are just harmless, and then there are those behaviors that are both weird and worrisome. Get to know more about some of the worrisome behaviors you may see in your cat that you should not ignore so you can get them to the veterinarian's office as soon as possible if you notice them.
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  • Taking Care Of Your Feline Friend With Arthritis

    You notice that your cat doesn't jump up on things as often. When they do, jumping down appears to be painful for them. Your cat may have arthritis, which attacks their joints and can make it painful to move. A visit to your local vet services will confirm your suspicions. While not a fatal disease, your feline companion will need some help to be comfortable. Here is what you need to know about this disease and what you can do to help your cat live with it for the rest of its life.
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  • All Natural Ways to Improve Your Dog's Breath

    If cuddling with your pooch is not as enjoyable as you want it to be because it has foul breath, there are a few things you can do to naturally improve the smell of your dog's breath. Being able to treat your dog's breath with all-natural ingredients ensures that you know what is going into your dog's body at all times. The following guide walks you through a few of the options.
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  • Pyometra Peril: Why Spaying Your Female Dog Or Cat Is Imperative

    There are several reasons why pet owners put off having their dogs and cats spayed, from budgetary constraints to fears of anesthetic complications. Such excuses are endangering pets. If your female dog or cat has not been spayed, scheduling your pet for an ovariohysterectomy should be a priority so that you can prevent pyometra, a life-threatening condition in your furry friend. What Is Pyometra? Pyometra is a bacterial infection of the uterus.
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  • Are Insecticide-Resistant Fleas Making Your Pet Sick?

    If you're a responsible pet parent, you already regularly treat your pets with medication or collars to keep fleas off of them. Whether you use a monthly topical treatment or regularly change their flea collar, you might be surprised to know that flea medication doesn't always have the effect that it's advertised to have. If you've noticed that your pet still has fleas, you're being bitten by fleas, or you've found living fleas in your home, you might have a problem.
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  • 3 Reasons To Adopt An Adult Cat Instead Of A Kitten

    Cats are one of the most popular pets for households of all sizes. But many prospective pet owners only consider kittens, which contributes to the number of older cats in adoption centers throughout the world. While each home is different and a kitten could be right for you, here are three reasons why you might be better off adopting a fully grown cat. 1. Established Habits By the time a cat reaches adulthood, it has established grooming, social, and play behaviors.
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  • Heartworm Disease: Your Cat Is At Risk Too

    If you thought that heartworm disease affects only dogs, think again. Cats are also at risk for this damaging and potentially deadly disease. The disease progresses and presents itself with some differences between the two species, and there is no approved treatment for feline heartworm disease. Prevention is the only effective course of medicine for protecting your feline friend.  All Cats Are At Risk Feline heartworm disease has affected cats in all of 50 states.
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  • 5 Things Bird Owners Need To Know About Giardiasis

    Pet birds can suffer from a wide variety of health problems, some of them serious. One serious condition that your bird may suffer is giardiasis, an infestation caused by gastrointestinal parasites. Here are five things you need to know about this serious condition.  What causes giardiasis? Giardiasis is caused by giardia, a type of parasite that lives in the intestines of many different animals. The parasite is passed in the feces of infected animals.
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